Friday 24 March 2017

John Weir Of Carnwath - The Fugitive Covenanter

Recent research has now revealed the sad tale of JOHN WEIR of Carnwath and his trial for being a Covenanter in 1679. The records state:

Citied (with others) to compear at Glasgow 8-11 Oct 1679 to underlie the law for the cryme of heigh treason & perduellion for being in the late rebellion by Thomas Twaddell who left and affixit ane coppie of ther indytment with the names of ther assysers and witnesses upon the maist patent door of his dwelling house on the 18-22nd Sept 1679. 

 In "Ane Roll of the rebells in the Overwaird". Document has no date but is from JC26/50 1679. It appears to be a composite listing of those cited personally or at their dwellings to appear at the Glasgow Justice Aire of 8-11 Oct 1679. Described further as: Delinquent in Lanarkshire [The record is an undated list of names organised by parish with no indication of crime]. Indyted and accused of the cryme of heigh treason and perduellion and listed in the Porteous Roll and Traist Roll of the Shireffdom of Lanerk for the Justice Aire to be holdin at Glasgow 8-11 Oct 1679. 

He is then described as 'Fugitive in Lanark' in the Scottish Covenanters 1679 - 1688 Record set. In 1682 list of rebells withinin the shyre of Lenrick given up by Major White to the Justiciary Court to be insisted agst with such witnesses as can prove agst them. 

 The last record I can find at present states that he was: A Fugitive from the Justice Aire held at Glasgow the 8-11 Oct 1679. We wonder what happened to him...? Photo courtesy of

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