Sunday 9 April 2017

Davies Family Of Liverpool

Interestingly Ellen Davis, my g-g-g-grandmother was born in Seacombe. The Davies family first appear in the 1871 Census living at 18 York Street, in the same house as James & Elizabeth Davis and their children. Her father Robert is living there with Ellen and her sisters Elizabeth and Hannah and ALL of the children were born in Seacombe. Robert and James both work at the local Copper Works...and I found this quote..."In 1865 Messrs. John Bibby Sons and Company, the Liverpool ship-owners, opened a copper rolling mill between the iron works and the graving dock, the mill having been moved from Seacombe because the site there was required by the Mersey Docks and Harbour Board.

 Originally the mill produced copper and brass sheets for covering the hulls of wooden sailing ships. Later the copper and brass were used in the production of plates for locomotive fire boxes and then plates for condensers in steam ships. The firm subsequently went into the ownership of the Broughton Copper Company and then Imperial Chemical Industries (Metals) Ltd., but was closed down with the transfer of the business to Swansea in 1936." Mystery solved!

The DAVIS family settled in the street to the right of where the Church Of Our Lady Star Of The Sea stands, pictured above, which was opened in July 1889.

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