Saturday 29 April 2017

On This Day..

10th April 1792 - Glaud Lammie, son of John, is christened in Glassford.

10th April 1838 - Archibald Nimmo, husband of Margaret Lambie, is born in Ardrossan, Ayrshire.

10th April 1905 - John Elliot S.Kerr, husband of Mary Kinloch Lambie, is born in Glasgow.

11th April 1881 - Claude Lambie (son of Alexander & Alice Brownlie) born in Dumbarton.

11th April 1887 - Janet Spence mcIntyre, wife of James Lambie, dies in Cambusnethan, aged 43.

12th April 1890 - Claude Lambie scores in a 7-0 victory for Burnley over Higher Walton at Bury in the Lancashire Senior Cup semi-final.

12th April 1900 - Mirriham Henderson, mother of Linton Williams, is born in Jamaica.

12th April 1944 - John Douglas Lambie, son of William Stevenson Lambie and Margaret Brooks, is born in Esterhazy, Saskatchewan, Canada.

13th April 1831 - Isabella Shanks, daughter of Thomas and Mary McLaren, is born in Slamannan, Stirling.

13th April 1871 - Joshua Smith, RN signs on for HMS Inconstant in Portsmouth.

14th April 1862 - Jessie McSymon, daughter of John and Christina Davidson, is born in Glasgow.

14th April 1917 - John Weir scores in a 1-0 home win for Third Lanark v Clyde in front of 2500 fans.

14th April 1934 - William Brown Gordon Lambie, son of William Fleming and Janet Brown, is born in Shettleston.

14th April 1941 - Thomas D Ryan marries Annie Lambie at St James Church, Renfrew, witnessed by Robert Kane and Alice Lambie.

14th April 1942 - Claud Lambie (father of Annie B Lambie) dies at 2470 Dumbarton Road, Glasgow aged 65 years. Pictured above.

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